Observations of modern society, our habits and obsessions, are an important tool to have as we try to make sense of a rapidly changing world.
How to Build Pre-Launch Brand Buzz
You did it. The day has finally arrived. You spent countless hours pouring over copy, building out your sales page and digital products, triple checking your opt-in forms, setting up your analytics and automations, and you’re ready to LAUNCH. So you send out the email, publish a reel to the ‘gram, and… ::crickets:: You start […]
25+ Best Daisy Bullet Journal Spread Inspiration
If you want to give your layouts a warm weather, floral vibe this month, check out these super cute daisy bullet journal spreads for inspiration! #BuJo #Diary
101 inspirational quotes for designers
So it’s lucky for us that there are thousands of designers, educators, philosophers, writers, and business people willing to hand out advice for free.
Kasvutarina muistojen avulla
Henkinen epäkypsyys on sama kuin henkisen kehityksen puute. Kypsyäksesi henkisesti, sinun tulee sulattaa asioita, kehittyä ja kasvaa. Toisin sanoen, henkinen kehitys vaatii kasvutarinan, jolle on ominaista tunteiden ja ylipäästyistä vaikeuksista...
What is Gouache Paint? Plus Gouache Painting Ideas – Beautiful Dawn Designs
I've recently become a big fan of gouache paintings, and have been on the search for beautiful gouache painting tutorials and references.
99 Summer Activities For Your Next Staycation
From outdoor concerts to composting and gardening to day trips, here are 99 low-cost summer activities to consider.