This ultimate list of free homeschool printables has the best resources for all ages. Fantastic ways to save money & make learning fun!
How to Diagram Sentences: Diagramming Sentences Guide
Diagramming sentences can be daunting, but the skill can be extremely helpful in the future. Here's a step by step guide on diagramming
60 of the Best STEAM Apps Teachers Love – We Are Teachers
Science, technology, engineering, art, math ... we've rounded up the best STEAM apps in every subject and for every grade K-12!
Women in Science Poster (18×12), Science Teachers, Rachel Carson, Marie Curie, Rosalind Franklin, Jane Goodall, Mary Jackson, Hedy Lamarr,
Celebrate the accomplishments of 16 famous women in Science (and check out our Women in Apparel Line) Mary Anning, Jocelyn Bell Burnell, Annie Jump Cannon, Rachel Carson, Marie Curie, Jennifer Doudna, Rosalind Frankin, Jane Goodall, Dorothy Hodgkin, Mary Jackson, Hedy Lamarr, Marie-Anne Pierrette Paulze Lavoisier, Maria Goeppert Mayer, Barbara McClintock, Lise Meitner, Chien-Shiung Wu
28 Jokes You Probably Won’t Be Able To Understand
No way, no how.
Les 1000 vies de Simone Veil en 10 photos
Alors que l'IGV vient de faire son entrée dans la Constitution française, Vogue rend hommage, en photos, à celle qui s'est toujours battue pour faire valoir les droits des femmes.
Chalk Pastel Leaf Rubbings STEAM Activity
Go on a nature walk, gather some lovely leaves, and make some chalk resist leaf rubbings with this low-prep STEAM experiment!