Cédric Should Skate (2019) Digital Art (Giclée) by Alasdair Willis
Please note: This is an original digital artwork. The above image is taken directly from the image file, rather than being a photograph or reproduction of the final print. Printed colours vary slightly from those produced by a computer screen. By default the print is cut with a 0.5 cm white border. If you wish your print to be cut to the edge of the image let me know. Custom sizes up to 102 x 153 cm available on request.
What Should Your Animagus Form Be?
What form should your animagus take? Cat like McGonagall, Stag like James Potter, or maybe something entirely different!
Scary Podcasts for High School Students – Engaging and Effective Teaching
For real. No cheesy music, no bad acting, and no trick endings where everyone is okay and it was all just a big misunderstanding. Seriously, your students are going to love these and they have just the right amount of horror while still being appropriate for school. Myths and Legends I can't say enough about ...
Spanish Question Game: El Repollo – Spanish Playground
When I am working in Latin America, I keep my eyes open for authentic games I can use in my classroom. A group of students in Nicaragua recently introduced me to a Spanish question game called El Repollo. Be sure to check our complete collection of traditional Spanish games
154 Art History Tweets That Prove Nothing Has Changed In 100s Of Years
Art aficionados like to pretend that there's a very specific and complex science behind interpreting paintings. But as these humorous tweets reveal, the hidden messages are often pretty obvious, not to mention pretty funny!
Chicago Two Ring Album – rukristin
Chicago: A Big City Adventure DIY Mini-Album Subject: My trip to Chicago in July 2012. Date Made: September 2012 Construction: Front and back cover are 4×6 wood peices painted black and covered with photo/patterned paper....
My Preschool Curriculum
Two Points: This is MY method, and not necessarily right for you, your teaching or care philosophy, your set-up, or your students. Curriculum participation by my students is VOLUNTARY. I invite them to participate, but if they choose not to, then that is fine. I usually offer them a choice of a few of the activities and let them decide where we start and where we go. An engaged child learns, a dis-engaged child rebels. The 3-year rotating curriculum is theme based. Some times we stick to the plan, but usually I observe what they are interested in learning about,…