An art studio predominantly known for its imaginative ceramic works, Perro y Arena’s iconic style translates perfectly onto the wall in this series of prints. Inspired by the flora and fauna of the Baja region, their work features a playful cast of mythical desert characters. This minimalist yet bold piece, features one of their most iconic characters, the snake, coiled up into a mesmerizing spiral. *Please note: – The image may crop slightly different based on the aspect ratio of your print. – The first listing image is a 30″x44″ in our black frame option with no mat. – An closeup look will reveal a slight speckle texture reminiscent of Perro y Arena’s ceramic works.
Spiritual Meaning of Monarch Butterfly Flying Around You – Awakening State
What is the spiritual meaning of the monarch butterfly flying around you? Introduction The monarch butterfly (Danaus plexippus) has to ... Read more
Aesthetic Quiz
Take the quiz to find out what your true secret aesthetic is.
Instruction: Preston Blair’s Advanced Animation Lesson 00 – – Serving the Online Animation Community
Provides resources for self-study for animation professionals, students, educators and researchers.
What is a gothic cathedral? | Cultural Travel Guide
Learn the easy tools to identify a gothic cathedral and how to appreciate the craftsmanship and ellaborate design that went into its construction.
"Você não pode se proteger da tristeza sem se proteger da felicidade". Obra de Senior Coconut