Learn how to make a zero waste dishwashing soap bar. An eco-friendly solid dish soap bar recipe helps to save money, reduces waste and environmental impact.
Life-Size Printable Human Skeleton for Kids
Make a life-size printable human skeleton with kids! The printable skeleton template comes as a PDF file, which is easy to cut and assemble.
Vintage Animal Printables
Vintage farmhouse animal printables you could use for crafts or just print out and frame (wouldn't these look cute in a baby's room?)
Simple Decor Ideas for Small and Narrow Hallway Decor
Happily, even tiny hallways can make a beautiful statement with these fun ideas for small hallway decor! Here are a round up of gorgeous design ideas to add some interest to your small hallway.
25+ Things to Make with Cardboard
Cardboard....who knew you could have so much fun with cardboard?! Whether you suffering from cabin fever while you’re stuck inside during the cold Winter months, or you have little ones who could use a little creative project, we’ve gathered up 25+ things to make with cardboard that will be fun for the whole family. It will help keep little hands busy when too much screen time is hard to avoid. The best part is that you’ll be making memories together …like making a slide out of a cardboard box on the stairs! Talk about being the “Fun Parent”! So don’t
How to Take Measurements
When sewing clothes knowing how to take measurements accurately will result in clothes that fit right. This post tells you what, where and how to measure.
How to Make a Simple Drawstring Bag – Free Tutorial
Learn how to make a simple drawstring bag in this step-by-step tutorial with photos. A perfect sewing project for beginners.
DIY Picture Frame Molding
Picture frame molding is quickly gaining popularity - and for good reason! It is simply beautiful. After reading this post you will be ready to install your own beautiful DIY picture frame molding!
Kreative Bastelideen mit Schallplatten, die leicht zu realisieren sind
Verstehen Sie, was wir unter „Klassik unter den Schallplatten-Bastelideen“ meinen? Das Wiederverwenden alter Gegenstände hat sich mittlerweile stark