There might be certain issues, mistakes, or potential improvements that go unnoticed by many. Yet someone who recognizes them might quite on the contrary be determined to correct them no matter the cost of their time and energy.
Coolest Wooden Yurt Kits for Sale You Can Assemble in 3-5 Days!
Are you ready to turn your dreams of a successful Airbnb business or a simpler, downsized life into a reality? Take a look at Freedom Yurt-Cabins. These hard-sided, four-season yurt-cabins make it possible.
The Twenty Minute Tote
Updated September 2011 We have remade these awesome, simple bags for fall! This time around,…
Tutitorial: tea-light candle/gift box card
Hello Sassy Ladies! Autumn here with your Thursday tutorial and today I wanted to show you how to make a tea-light candle box card, or however you wanna say that, lol. Sure seems like a mouthful that way. This post has a lot of pics so I'm gonna try an talk as little as possible. Ok, for the tea-light box you will need a piece of card stock cut at 8" x 9". Here.. a template that you should be able to print off and use. Sorry it's not perfect, but I'm not very PS savvy and it would…
“Would I Be The [Jerk] For Not Sending A Gift For A Wedding I Wasn’t Invited To?”
Woman doesn’t receive an invite to her cousin’s wedding, ponders if it’d be rude of her to not send a gift.
Easy Boho DIY Hair Wrap Tutorial
Remember hair wraps? I don't mean using a scarf to craft an updo. I mean boho-summer-chic hair wraps from those summer vacations you went on as a teenager. The ones where you wrap thread around a lock of hair in varying patterns and colors to create a look that's unique to you. It's time for them to make a comeback!
Quilt Size Chart | The Ultimate Quilters Guide
Use this standard quilt size chart to design your next project. It covers all sizes from baby to California King. Size chart is easy to read and printable.