A woman recently shared the story on Twitter of how a group of young men started bothering her while she was walking home alone until one of their friends stepped in and called them out.
30 Easy DIY Wood Projects For Beginners That Are Absolutely Simple – Anika’s DIY Life
25 amazingly simple and easy DIY wood projects for beginners to build today. They don't need a lot of tools and make great small wood projects!
10 bunte und kreative Bastelideen für graue Wintertage zu Hause
Draußen ist es ungemütlich – machen wir es uns einfach drinnen bunt und lustig! 10 kreative Bastelideen findest du hier im Blogbeitrag.
Geometric Rainbow Candle
All natural handmade candles. Made with soy wax, hemp wick, natural colouring as well as essential oils & fragrance oils.
25 Tools for Creative Art Projects
There are so many tools your kids can use for creative art projects. Here’s twenty five tools that will create some fantastic works of art!
How to Hang Peel and Stick Wallpaper the Easy Way
Ready to get started with peel and stick wallpaper? This tutorial will teach you how to hang peel and stick wallpaper the easy way.
Totally Free Family History Sites
Yes, free genealogy sites do exist. Here's how to avoid spending money on ancestry research without limiting your tree.
How to fix holes in Jeans : 10 ways to repair ripped & torn jeans – SewGuide
Mending and repairing jeans with holes : the best ways to fix a hole in jeans - {including the hole in the crotch}