Built by Frank Harmon Architect in Raleigh, United States with date 2008. Images by Tim Hursley. The house was designed primarily for one person who had three specific requirements: (1) she wanted “something dramat…
Ambient Sunlight
Adding sunlight to your home is a great way to lighten up spaces and rooms, but have you ever considered designing your architecture around sunlight in order to make it more of a feature?
8 Textile Designers Making Quilts Cool Again
These aren't your granny's quilts
Searcy/Black / 160 x 125 cm
FEZiBO L-shaped standing desk with LED strip & outlets & monitor stand is perfect for gaming players. Large Space with 160 x 127 cm / 63" x 50"; Multiple Colors with Carbon Fiber Pink/ Carbon Fiber Black/ Rustic Brown/ White.
Gallery of Warrnambool Learning and Library Centre / Kosloff Architecture – 6
Image 6 of 19 from gallery of Warrnambool Learning and Library Centre / Kosloff Architecture. Photograph by Derek Swalwell