Below you will find our collection of famous abstract quotes. We hope you enjoy our compilation of the best abstract quotes!
Best-Kept Secrets of Professional Painters
Learn how to paint like a pro and pick up some great tips for achieving a perfectly smooth and even paint job.
10 Mistakes Beginner Oil Painters Make
Learn about common mistakes beginner oil painters make, to help you save materials and improve more quickly.
Ep 66: Kiata Mason – Talking with Painters
Painter’s mesmerising oil portraits of tattooed rock chicks
Paint brushes, art and rock ‘n’ roll.
The New Canon: 7 Queer Painters Who Are Tapping into the History Books
The queer painters taking the stage of contemporary art grew up in a very different world than their predecessors. A generation removed from the AIDS crisis, these artists came of…
An Impressionist painter’s Christmas in Madison Square Park
Paul Cornoyer’s work has been featured in Ephemeral New York in several earlier posts; this Impressionist artist originally from St. Louis was captivated by the Gilded Age city’s energy…
An Impressionist painter’s Christmas in Madison Square Park
Paul Cornoyer’s work has been featured in Ephemeral New York in several earlier posts; this Impressionist artist originally from St. Louis was captivated by the Gilded Age city’s energy…