While resigning with no notice may be a red flag, sometimes it’s all you want to do in a toxic workplace.
Overachieving Worker Gets Denied A Raise, So She Quits And Panic Ensues
Nearly a month ago, a highly overworked and undervalued medical specialist finally worked up the courage to quit their job. In the second installment of their story, they managed to…
Boss Tries To Use Burned-Out Worker As A Scapegoat, She Quits
A woman shared her experience of finally quitting after her toxic boss attempted to blame her for “sabotage.”
Woman Quits Helping When Roommate Won’t Calm Down For 1.5 Hours And Asks Her To Leave The Room, Results In The Silent Treatment
Breakups are really hard, but that doesn’t mean you can not pay attention to your roommate’s needs.
“I Resign In The Most Generic Way Possible”: Person Quits 20-Year Career After Boss’s “Feedback”
While resigning with no notice may be a red flag, sometimes it’s all you want to do in a toxic workplace.