C-Section Recovery & Diastasis Recti

C-Section Recovery & Diastasis Recti

C-section recovery requires patience, and care and you may need expert guidance and support for your early days of recovery. Read more in this Q&A with Every Mother Founder Leah…

10 Exercises To Treat Diastasis Recti

10 Exercises To Treat Diastasis Recti

Exercises for diastasis recti help you strengthen your core, prevent injuries, and reduce pain. Here are 10 such exercises that you can practice, to begin with.

10 At Home Diastasis Recti Exercises

10 At Home Diastasis Recti Exercises

Exercises for diastasis recti help you strengthen your core, prevent injuries, and reduce pain. Here are 10 such exercises that you can practice, to begin with.