Some comic artists tend to find joy in making people laugh with their work, and animator Josh Sachs, otherwise known as “Baldstache”, is set on doing exactly that. His comics…
49 Ridiculous Memes and Pics To Make You LOL
Funny, weird and WTF pics and memes.
34 Times People Were Served Ridiculous Food At Weddings
If you know us, it shouldn’t be a secret to you—we adore weddings! The atmosphere, the music, the overwhelming sense of romance… it’s all wonderful. But no party is complete…
25 Ridiculous Stock Photos That Make Absolutely No Sense
25 Ridiculous Stock Photos That Make Absolutely No Sense – Funny memes that “GET IT” and want you to too. Get the latest funniest memes and keep up what is…
People Are Laughing At These Ridiculous Stock Images That Show Women Completely Unable To Drink Water
Our bodies are around a staggering 60% percent water. Staying hydrated has been known as the holy grail of health, beauty, and wellbeing. Remember the 8×8 rule? Eight 8-ounce glasses,…
Woman Finds A Hilarious Way To Show Company Their Rule Against Colored Hair Is Ridiculous
TikToker ‘emuhleeebee’ went viral after she showed off the terrible wigs she uses to combat her company’s “natural hair only” policy.
50 Hilarious Posts Of Ridiculous Home Decor And DIY With Funny Sarcastic Commentary
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but sometimes it feels like certain people are really stretching this idea to its limits. From fashion, to cars and food, some…
ridiculous christmas party outfits
Grow Ridiculous Amounts of Garlic (even in your city backyard)
It’s easy to grow garlic in containers or in the garden! Learn the types of garlic, when to plant, the best fertilizers to use, and how to harvest and cure…
34 Times People Were Served Ridiculous Food At Weddings
If you know us, it shouldn’t be a secret to you—we adore weddings! The atmosphere, the music, the overwhelming sense of romance… it’s all wonderful. But no party is complete…