3.7M views · 182K reactions | Just look at these DIY ghost candles! If you saw my stories this weekend, these are what I was trying to make! I finally found the perfect “recipe” so to speak and was able to make all the bendy ghosts! Grab the full tutorial below: To make your own, you need paraffin wax taper candles (these were the inexpensive box of 15 from Michaels). Then I put them in a warm water bath (just the hottest water from your tap).  I let them sit in the hot water for 5 min, then dumped it out a refilled with more hot water from the tap. Let it sit another 5 min, and then did it again and let it sit in the fresh hot water for 10 min.  This gets the candles really soft without melting the wax. Then I just used my hands in the warm water tkk on very slowly bend the candles. The video is sped up to 8x, if that tells you how slow I was bending them.  Once bent, I dried them off and used an acrylic paint pen to draw on little faces.  I just love them so much!! Burning or not, they are the perfect addition to any Halloween decorations! | Kara Whitten | Lenny Balistreri · Halloween Pumpkin Party

3.7M views · 182K reactions | Just look at these DIY ghost candles! If you saw my stories this weekend, these are what I was trying to make! I finally found the perfect “recipe” so to speak and was able to make all the bendy ghosts! Grab the full tutorial below: To make your own, you need paraffin wax taper candles (these were the inexpensive box of 15 from Michaels). Then I put them in a warm water bath (just the hottest water from your tap). I let them sit in the hot water for 5 min, then dumped it out a refilled with more hot water from the tap. Let it sit another 5 min, and then did it again and let it sit in the fresh hot water for 10 min. This gets the candles really soft without melting the wax. Then I just used my hands in the warm water tkk on very slowly bend the candles. The video is sped up to 8x, if that tells you how slow I was bending them. Once bent, I dried them off and used an acrylic paint pen to draw on little faces. I just love them so much!! Burning or not, they are the perfect addition to any Halloween decorations! | Kara Whitten | Lenny Balistreri · Halloween Pumpkin Party

Just look at these DIY ghost candles! If you saw my stories this weekend, these are what I was trying to make! I finally found the perfect “recipe” so to…