Teach Friendship Anti-Bullying Kindness and Respect to Children With Fully Laminated, Durable Material Rolled and SEALED in Plastic Poster Sleeve for Protection. 17×22

Teach Friendship Anti-Bullying Kindness and Respect to Children With Fully Laminated, Durable Material Rolled and SEALED in Plastic Poster Sleeve for Protection. 17×22

Teach Friendship Anti-Bullying Kindness and Respect to Children With Fully Laminated, Durable Material Rolled and SEALED in Plastic Poster Sleeve for Protection. 17×22

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This Nail Trend Is the Most Joyful Thing You’ll See This Summer

This Nail Trend Is the Most Joyful Thing You’ll See This Summer

If you're looking for a way to elevate your mood and your style, look no further than rainbow nails—the happiest beauty trend we've seen this year.

Meadow Rabbits in Powder Pattern

Meadow Rabbits in Powder Pattern

Explore a world of creativity in my art portfolio! From vibrant illustrations to captivating repeat patterns.

This 1997 Alloy Catalog Will Make You Remember Your Skater-Kid Days

This 1997 Alloy Catalog Will Make You Remember Your Skater-Kid Days

Nevermind that you never actually learned how to skate/snowboard. It's all about the rainbow stripes and beyond baggy jeans.

9 Kitchen Trends To Avoid, According to Real Estate Agents

9 Kitchen Trends To Avoid, According to Real Estate Agents

One of the most interesting home kitchens I’ve ever seen combined aspects of Americana and Greek styles. It was in Illinois; the kitchen had carved wood valances around a fake shingled roof, all accented by regal Greek columns that you might find in a fast-casual gyro shop. I was house hunting at the time and ultimately passed on this spectacular piece of property.Does a kitchen like that tend to turn buyers off? Sometimes.

A Swedish Apartment Went from Bland to Bright After Thoughtful Renovations

A Swedish Apartment Went from Bland to Bright After Thoughtful Renovations

See the bland before photos and the colorful after photos of author, illustrator, and designer Megan McKean's stunning home in Malmö, Sweden.

Rénover une table de jardin en bois | Merci pour le chocolat !

Rénover une table de jardin en bois | Merci pour le chocolat !

S'il y a bien un truc qui m'agace chez moi mais que je n'arrive pas à changer, c'est ma fichue tendance à la procrastination... regardez ma table de jardin, par exemple. Pour bien faire, j'aurais du la retaper au tout début du printemps, PAS au beau milieu de l'été, alors qu'elle a déjà servi des