The 100 Greatest Metal Albums of All Time

The 100 Greatest Metal Albums of All Time

The 100 Greatest Metal Albums of All Time

From Black Sabbath to Metallica, Rolling Stone picks the 100 Greatest Metal Albums of All Time.

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The Fisherwoman Who Gave Up Modeling to Catch Salmon

The Fisherwoman Who Gave Up Modeling to Catch Salmon

“This is an American birthright. I never realized it until I got to Alaska and really saw the generosity of the land here.”

40 Beautiful Examples of Abstract Photography – The Photo Argus

40 Beautiful Examples of Abstract Photography – The Photo Argus

Creativity makes all the difference in abstract photography. Using various techniques, photographers turn ordinary shots into masterpieces.

9 Impressive Mirror Photography Ideas to Try Yourself

9 Impressive Mirror Photography Ideas to Try Yourself

If you want a quick and easy way to take interesting portraits, mirror photography is for you. All you need is a mirror (or several mirrors, if you're feeling extra creative), a patient model, and a few tips. 1. Mirror Photography: Use Artificial Light to Enhance Your Model's Features One of the best things about mirror photography is that it offers unlimited possibilities. As long as you have access to a mirror, you can take photos wherever and whenever you want. If you want to stay in, experiment with different outfits, and take great photos with a limited amount of…

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Им понадобился второй дождь

Им понадобился второй дождь

Атмосферные рисунки иллюстратора Паскаля Кемпиона. Тонко чувствует и прекрасно передает осенние мотивы и эмоции людей. Кажется, что любовь расцветает под осенним солнышком и становится крепче. Ну просто душу согревает).