The 3 Oil Painting Rules You MUST Follow

The 3 Oil Painting Rules You MUST Follow

The 3 Oil Painting Rules You MUST Follow

By Carrie Lewis in Art Tutorials > Painting Tutorials Many so-called “rules” of art are more suggestions than rules. It’s helpful to know what they are, but you don’t have to follow them rigorously to make great art. However—when it comes to oil painting, there are three rules that you absolutely, positively MUST understand and follow if you paint in layers, or your work will fail every time. They are: Fat over lean Thick over thin Slow drying over fast drying Why […]

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Sunlight & Shadows in Watercolour – Jackson’s Art Blog

Sunlight & Shadows in Watercolour – Jackson’s Art Blog

Sunlight & Shadows in Watercolour. Inspiring and practical guide, expert advice on how to master tone, hue and shadow to create atmospheric paintings.

The cloud kingdom : Wallis, I. Henry : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive

The cloud kingdom : Wallis, I. Henry : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive

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What Spirit Animal Chooses You

What Spirit Animal Chooses You

≿━━━━༺❀༻━━━━≾... Your familiar, or spirit animal, awaits you. Dare you make the journey? ~Reposted because Quotev glitched out on me and messed up the original quiz. My apologies...≿━━━━༺❀༻━━━━≾

Moomin Mobile

Moomin Mobile

Mumi Uroen blev skabt i 2014, året hvor den finske forfatter og illustrator bag Mumi verdene Tove Jansson fyldte 100 år.  Uroen her er en fortælling om alle de elskværdige mumitrolde, der er på vej på en picnic. Med i kassen til uroen ligger også et lille hæfte, der fortæller historien om hver figur samt om selve Mumitroldenes univers. Hæng uroen over tremmesengen eller puslepladsen. Den bevæger sig roligt når luft går igennem værelset, og er skøn at ligge og kigge på.  Alle Flensted uroer produceres i hånden i Danmark.  Materiale:Fremstillet af pap.  Mål:Højde 55 cm x bredde 50 cm.

Choosing A Pet Over A Partner Is Way More Common Than You Think

Choosing A Pet Over A Partner Is Way More Common Than You Think

When one woman's husband gave her an ultimatum — him or the dogs — the dogs won. Obviously. If you too have ended a relationship because your partner didn't love your pets, you're not alone. Choosing a pet over a partner is more common than you…