A cash book, or petty cash log, is a ledger for keeping track of small cash purchases. Some small businesses such as restaurants find cash books especially useful because these companies tend to need small quantities of easily available supplies to make up for unpredictable shortfalls. Others, like tech companies, …
2022 the Year of Self Growth
So its nearly coming to the end of the first month of 2022 and it’s fair to say my motivation for the new year is already starting to deflate. I normally love a new year, the cliché of a ‘new year,…
Hollywood memorabilia auction
Peter Fonda's "Easy Rider" chopper is among the items on the Profiles in History auction black
How I Organize My Calendar | Task Batching, Efficiency, Stressing Less — Om & The City
I'm showing ya what my calendar actually looks like, and how I get the most out of my calendar to plan my weeks, stay organized, and stress less!
This Bold Designer’s Maximalist Style Is the Antidote to Boring, Basic Homes
Interior designer and E-designer Carissa Henderson is the founder and owner of A Bold New Hue, LLC., and has covered every inch of her home with her signature style of bold, patterned, maximalist style.
Jean-Charles de Castelbajac : le docu qui révèle l’autre aristo de la mode – Elle
Jean-Charles de Castelbajac : le docu qui révèle l’autre aristo de la mode
Purple Clematis Watercolor Pattern
Explore my vibrant collection of repeat surface patterns that seamlessly tile and repeat, perfect for textiles, wallpapers, and more.