Design firm Meyer Davis fashions the perfect aerie for displaying his expansive and eclectic collection.
Caption This Image and Selected Wisepicks – 22 June 2021

Caption This 22 June 2021: Provide a creative caption for the picture. We will select 15+ of the best captions and publish as Wisepicks
16坪しかない京都の家が、ミニマルな豊かさを教えてくれる | ROOMIE(ルーミー)

最近色々なところで耳にします。 「断捨離」とか、「モノは少ない方がいい」とか。 だけど、家を豊かにするためには、色々なものがあった方がいいじゃん……! なんて思っていました。 そう、このモデルハウスを見るまでは……。
In the round: centuries of circular design – in pictures

A new book explores information design in the form of circles – from 18th-century musical scores to photographs of Jupiter
Everything you Need to Know About the Incredible Museo Casa Estudio Diego Rivera & Frida Kahlo i

In the old colonia of San Angel, down some of the most beautiful and romantic ivy-covered walls, dotted with neo-classical buildings, you find on the outskirts this modernist miracle. It stands out of place amidst these more classical mansions and haciendas. And yet, despite its oddities, it is one of the most important structures in
‘I Did Feel Vancouver Was a Sad Town’ | The Tyee

Greg Girard, brilliant documenter of China’s rise, talks about 1970s Vancouver, the subject of his new photo book and exhibit.
How to Dress for Your Skin Tone (Made SIMPLE) – Hero and Villain Style

Knowing how to dress for your skin tone allows you to up your style to the next level. This article tells you what colours YOU should wear.