Say goodbye to peeling and cutting these hard squash.
21 Brilliant Uses For Rosemary You’ve Got To Try
Exuding that telltale sweet piny fragrance, rosemary is an easy plant to grow that demands very little from the home gardener. And because a single plant can grow at least four feet tall and wide,
Sirop de menthe fraîche maison
Cela faisait longtemps que je voulais essayer de faire du sirop maison avec la menthe abondante de notre jardin… mais le temps que je me décide, la tondeuse est passée accidentellement par là…
Dealing With Dry Shade – FineGardening
What is dry shade? Nothing that soil amendment, a little bit of hardscaping and special attention to plant placement can't improve.
15 Beautiful and Practical Raised Bed Garden Designs
A raised bed garden offers many advantages to in-ground gardening. Find some raised garden bed ideas to inspire you here.
Homestead Design from a Practical, Tactical, Agricultural Survival Perspective, by C.F –
Let’s talk about practical, tactical, and agricultural survival principles and details that pertain to developing land in a way that will facilitate agricultural productivity, sustainability, and security. Prepare thy work without, and make it fit for thyself in the field; and afterwards build thine house. Prov. 24:27. Assessing the Land The Land First of all, we are likely to be constrained by property boundaries. Therefore, in selecting property, what are our priorities? Not everyone has the same priorities, and priorities change as the world around us changes. For example, a property that is perfectly usable today may become untenable if…
How to Make Concrete Shiny & Smooth (for Crafts)
It's easy to make concrete shiny & smooth. I'll explain which methods you can use and why the simplest one works the best for cement crafts.