Happily ever after
How to Transfer an Image for Painting
Learn how to transfer your reference images onto the canvas for painting. Learn various techniques such as grid method, tracing, and projection. rn#transfertoacanvas #tracingoncanvas
Friday Art Feature – Comic Book Onomatopoeia
I LOVE saving figurative language until June - it's such a fun language unit ... and perfect for our "dreaming of summer brains". We finished up our EQAO testing mid week, and this onomatopoeia activity was the perfect break from testing. How fun is that??? Students chose two contrasting colours - one for the background and one for the word and border "bursting out of the page". They also needed newspaper (cut just a fraction smaller that the "bursting out of the page border" and glued the newspaper on top. They glued their word on top of that (we had…
Studio maison- de A à X- moins de 200 €.
Hello Je vous propose d'expliquer la création de mon studio maison de A à X (pas Z, puisque je l'améliorerai toujours..) Avec une contrainte: tout doit etre tra
How to Make Homemade Texture Paint
Learn how to make homemade texture paint for crafting. Perfect homemade medium for canvas texture painting ,stencil or even painting all Just That Perfect Piece
Yuji Moriguchi and His Disturbing School Girl Fantasies
Yuji Moriguchi is taking us into the world of secret sensual fantasies of seemingly innocent-looking adolescent girls (often school girls in uniform).