You’ll never believe the final fate of this 1800s landmark lighthouse.
The only way to design a sophisticated Victorian home office
Imagine stepping into a room where time seems to have stood still, where the air is thick with the scent of leather bound books and polished wood, and where eve
La storia delle case-torri tra le montagne del Caucaso
Usate a scopo abitativo e di difesa, queste torri hanno origini antichissime. Dovevano essere costruite in 365 giorni e ogni famiglia benestante del villaggio era tenuta a possederne una
Old House Society Home Tour 2019
Bloomington's Old House Society Annual Home Tour is great opportunity to peek inside homes of the past, and to imagine what it was like to live in them.
Early 1900’s Abandoned Victorian Mansion
Exploring an abandoned 1900's Victorian Mansion. This abandoned Victorian Mansion sits looking very modest and almost like any other home from the outside.
Can I Sleep on a Mattress on the Floor?
Wondering if you can put a mattress on the floor? Here are some pros and cons to help you decide, tips for making it work and choosing best organic floor mattress
Oddworld :: Journey Into the Surreal Through the Art of Kilian Eng – The Hundreds
Even if you could care less about Black Sabbath or Sammy Hagar (Google them if needed), chances are you’ve come across the Heavy Metal movie if you have
Miami of India: The Forgotten Capital of Art Deco
Mumbai; the gateway to India, home of Bollywood cinema, infamous for its slumdogs and shanty towns. But did anyone know the city also has the second largest number of surviving Art Deco buildings in the world after Miami? Flickr Photos (c) Sandra Cohen Rose and Colin Rose While visitors to the I
Pinterest for Architects – archisoup | Architecture Tools & Resources
This is quite possibly our favourite and the most useful part of Pinterest for architects seeking inspiration. As when searching, you can quite literally find
Lundberg Design
Learn more about the firm Lundberg Design based in
Gallery of Gloriette / noa* network of architecture – 3
Image 3 of 52 from gallery of Gloriette / noa* network of architecture. Photograph by Alex Filz