This Swedish Woman Creates Stunning Braided Hairstyles And Teaches You How To Do It Yourself

This Swedish Woman Creates Stunning Braided Hairstyles And Teaches You How To Do It Yourself

This Swedish Woman Creates Stunning Braided Hairstyles And Teaches You How To Do It Yourself

Hair braids are a true classic. This hairstyle has always been there for us and it seems like it’s not planning to go out of style anytime soon. The oldest known reproduction of hair braiding is in fact on the head of the well-known Venus of Willendorf herself—the figurine that was made about 30,000 years ago. Hair braiding is traditionally called a social art—since it’s usually not that short of a process to do a braid, it makes people socialize and bond. Besides, older generations teach their kids to do braids, so it’s basically a tradition that’s being carried from one generation to another. Truly a classic.

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