Today marks a very special occasion for dog lovers around the globe, particularly fans of the stubby-legged, royally adored breed known as the Corgi. Yes,
This Is What Tourists Find Really Odd About Us Brits
This Is What Tourists Find Really Odd About Us Brits
January 2024 Monthly Horoscopes – Chatelaine
It truly feels like we’re handed a reset button.
‘A Doll For Everyone’: Meet Mattel’s Gender-Neutral Doll
Mattel hopes to appeal to a new generation that demands brands with a conscience
The Great Iowa Road Trip
Get details on a fun central Iowa road trip for families, passing through Des Moines, Boone and Clear Lake, with ideas for food, fun and lodging.
February Morning Tubs
February Morning Tubs There are so many different things happening during the shortest month of the year! Groundhog's Day, Valentine's Day, President's Day, Black History Month, Dental Month... it seems the list goes on and on. Although a couple of activities have graphics for some of these special days, the majority of the month have graphics that can be used at any time of the year that your students are ready for them. Below is a quick overview of all of the activities included in the February Morning Tubs for 2nd, 3rd, and 4th grades. ELA Morning Tubs Predicting: Students…
What’s so great about Finland’s education system?
A frequently asked question that people present to us is, what’s so great about Finland’s education system? Finnish education has received its fair share of publicity around the world for being the ‘best’. In recent years, Finland has also made headlines for being the happiest country in the world.
Let’s Play! The Role of Playing in Learning
“Play is the highest form of research.” ~ Albert Einstein The Importance of Imaginative Play Fantasy play is correlated with other positive attributes. In preschool children, for example, those who…