Banksy is the most well known street artist of all time and one of the most well known artists of our generation. Not much is known about Banksy except that he’s from Bristol where his pieces started appearing in the 1990s. There’s a huge amount of interest in Banksy’s art and people are always curious
36 idées & tutos d’activités manuelles maternelles halloween
Coucou tout le monde, je vous invite aujourd'hui à prendre un instant pour découvrir quelles sont les 37 plus belles idées & les tutoriels étape par étape
11 Cozy Photos of Fireplaces That Will Make You Want To Stay Inside All Winter
Go ahead, get comfy.
46 People You Probably Didn’t Realize Have Butt Chins
In celebration of everyone born with a cleft chin, chin dimple, dimple chin, or whatever you want to call it. This is v. important information you definitely need to know, people!
Summer Celebrations Summer People
Summer in my little town: Friday morning Farmers' Market. The Belfast Bay Fiddlers! And people browsing, shopping, local plants & food. One key to making a lot of quick sketches: Use an inexpensive book with lots of pages. Bring 2 sketchbooks so that one can dry while you work in the other. Thursday night outdoor concerts, sometimes on a blocked off road in town, sometimes on the Common, overlooking the harbor. Lots of opportunities for fast sketches of what seems to be my favorite subject. My fascination with observing people began with my mom & little me on vacation. We…
Epic Road Trip Itinerary Across Australia
The perfect road trip itinerary across Australia's southern coast, from Perth to Melbourne and everything in between!