Trying to untangle the knots of tipping culture, this woman’s decision not to tip her hairdresser after a hefty $350 bill sparked both support and controversy.
Action Figure Lamp
Action Figure Lamp: I saw a photo of a action figure lamp years ago and immediately fell in love. And then I made about 400 other things and never got around to making it. BUT NO LONGER! Bask in the action figure's lamp gold and action-packed glory. :D This action f…
Playroom Mood Board and Design Update – Within the Grove
The playroom is getting an overhaul! We gave it a makeover three years ago but it's begging for a re-design. Here's our plan for playroom from the decor to the paint colors.
Doppelt gedrehte Kerze Bending candles Bendy candles Twisted candlesStabkerzen Christmas Gift for her Costumized KnotenKerze –
Unsere handgemachten gedrehten Kerzen sind komplett durchgefärbt und brennen wie jede normale Kerze ab. Sie stehen von alleine und brauchen keinen spezifischen Kerzenständer. Sie sind ca 15 cm hoch und 10 cm breit❣️ Der Versand ins Ausland kann in einzelnen Fällen länger dauern, da wir aus Deutschland verschicken und unsere Kerzen einen längeren Weg zu euch haben.
How to Get Oil Stains Out from Clothes
This oil stain removal method really works! How to Remove Set In Oil Stains and Grease Stains even if they've been washed and dried #oilstain #oilstainremoval #laundrytips #laundrystains
Guy Working As A Debt Collector Is Sick Of Roommate Ignoring Calls, Puts His Number In Every Account
"It’s been 15 years and I still laugh from time to time."
36 Free Crochet Bookmark Patterns
Get creative with your crochet skills with these 36 free bookmark patterns. Perfect for book lovers and crafters alike!