I was walking around in Chinatown over the weekend and I saw something that I found to be so ridiculous that it literally made me laugh. It’s something that you see so often in NYC that chances are you pay no mind to it. I was about to cross the…
Mean Mode Median and Range Poster and Assignments
This file contains a poster to display in your classroom, as well as 9 assignment examples to use in your class while studying mean, mode, median, and range. Use the idea behind these assignments every time you hand back a test marked in percentages for a "real-life" data analysis scenario. This z...
Smarty Pants Physics Memes For Smarty Pants People
Smarty Pants Physics Memes For Smarty Pants People - Funny memes that "GET IT" and want you to too. Get the latest funniest memes and keep up what is going on in the meme-o-sphere.
Englische Grammatik, leicht erklärt. Mit Übungen & Lösungen
Englische Grammatik, leicht erklärt. Hier findest Du ein Inhaltsverzeichnis zu allen Grammatik Themen mit Erklärungsteil und Übungen mit Lösungen.
What It’s Like to be a Forest Service Ranger Intern | Field Mag
A firsthand account in words and photos of what it's like to work for the Forest Service in the John Muir Wilderness for a summer
Women in Science Poster (18×12), Science Teachers, Rachel Carson, Marie Curie, Rosalind Franklin, Jane Goodall, Mary Jackson, Hedy Lamarr,
Celebrate the accomplishments of 16 famous women in Science (and check out our Women in Apparel Line) Mary Anning, Jocelyn Bell Burnell, Annie Jump Cannon, Rachel Carson, Marie Curie, Jennifer Doudna, Rosalind Frankin, Jane Goodall, Dorothy Hodgkin, Mary Jackson, Hedy Lamarr, Marie-Anne Pierrette Paulze Lavoisier, Maria Goeppert Mayer, Barbara McClintock, Lise Meitner, Chien-Shiung Wu
Curious About the Origin and History of Yoga? Here’s the CliffNotes Version
The origin of yoga isn’t so easy to understand. But the history of yoga is rich and vast. Here’s your CliffNotes version for a brief glance at yoga’s roots.
20 of Apple’s Favorite Photos Shot with the iPhone 6
Apple tells us that it's launching a new global advertising campaign called "Shot on iPhone 6." Starting this week, billboards in 70 cities in 24
Fraction Rules Poster or Handout
For those students that want the "rules" or "steps" set out for any process, this handout is right up their alley. It breaks down adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing fractions to their basic steps. Multiple printing formats included - one per page, 2 per page and one that is a little smaller, would print about 3 per page. NEW 4-24-14: Several "pretty" backgrounds added as printing options to match your classroom! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CCSS.Math.Content.5.NF.A.1 CCSS.Math.Content.5.NF.B.3 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please visit my math BLOG: WWW.DebbiesLemonadeStand.COM or e-mail me: [email protected].
All About Me Sports Jersey
This is a great back to school activity for a sports or teamwork themed classroom! All you do is print, hand it out to students, and let them enjoy this activity! The students are asked to draw and write words on this jersey that help you and their classmates get to know them. They put the number for their birthday, words that describe them, draw their family, favorite hobby and subject in school. It's an easy and quick way to get to know your students. Then you can hang these up in your classroom, on a bulletin board, or on…