30+ Awesome Outdoor Games for Kids to Play
It's spring here. The weather was cool for a while, but now it's heating up. Soon it will be above 90º every single day and my kids are going to need an incentive to get
Pearl Harbor Day National Holidays Unit for Primary Grades – Informational Text
Pearl Harbor Day fosters Math and Literacy in Social Studies through the use of Nonfiction Informational Text, Math Activities and Games, and a balanced mix of engaging higher and lower level hands-on activities to teach your 1st-3rd grade students about the history of Pearl Harbor Day: • Complete Pearl Harbor Day History Lesson – we provide all of the Content! • Reading Comprehension Questions to assess Informational Text Comprehension • World War II Grid Math using Number and Letter Coordinates • Famous People: Franklin D. Roosevelt Biography and Comprehension Questions • Franklin D. Roosevelt cut and paste Time Line Activity (Sequencing and Elapsed Time)…
Late night CitraSolv party
Since I am teaching a CitraSolv class tonight, last night I decided to brush up a bit and have my own private little CitraSolv party. So, I pulled out a 2010 National Geographic magazine and my spr…
Gruesome Pictures From The 1900s Showing The Struggles Of Working Children Before Child Labor Was Abolished
In 1908 Lewis Hine picked up his camera and became the photographer for the National Child Labor Committee. It was a start of a long decade, as Lewis traveled across the country, documenting child labor, getting constant threats from factory owners as the immorality of employment laws was supposed to be kept away from the public's eye. However, Hine persisted, adopting many different disguises (such as a fire inspector or a bible salesman) to snap these old photos of the labor laws violations and interview the children working at factories or in the streets.
Respira poster series
We are very proud to release Respira, a contemporary blackletter, as all of the proceeds will be donated to the National Resources Defense Council (NRDC). The NRDC is a non-profit organization that fights for environmental preservation and policy change to help save the planet a
21 Reasons This Dog Is the Best Dog in the World
Meet Maru the Shiba Inu, who's become an international canine star
10 Fun Things to Do in Innsbruck
As one of Austria's most romantic and enchanting cities, there are many fun things to do in Innsbruck. Famous for its picturesque Old Town, Innsbruck is also popular for its skiing facilities and great Christmas