Xi Pan

Xi Pan

Xi Pan

(с) Xi Pan

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Cows, Moose, and Camels Contort into Yoga Poses and Other Surprising Positions in Paintings by Bruno Pontiroli — Colossal

Cows, Moose, and Camels Contort into Yoga Poses and Other Surprising Positions in Paintings by Bruno Pontiroli — Colossal

Bruno Pontiroli (previously) creates mind-bending explorations of the relationship between humans and animals, painting limber cows doing impressive handstands or an over-eager man embracing a large walrus, much to its chagrin. The artist shies away from labeling his work as Surrealist or Dadaist, instead proposing a new version of reality without categorization. Pontiroli will exhibit workContinue reading "Cows, Moose, and Camels Contort into Yoga Poses and Other Surprising Positions in Paintings by Bruno Pontiroli"

9 Things to Never Talk About During a First Date

9 Things to Never Talk About During a First Date

Talking is the name of the game during a first date. You need to have strong conversational skills to get to date number two. Unfortunately, not all of us are blessed in the conversation department. Sometimes we say things we wish we could take…

You Can Follow the Easter Bunny This Year Using the Official Easter Bunny Tracker

You Can Follow the Easter Bunny This Year Using the Official Easter Bunny Tracker

Everything you need to know about how to follow your favorite bunny's Easter journey.

In the Art Room: Sketchbook Covers

In the Art Room: Sketchbook Covers

Well, better late than never ever, amirite? My students are just now getting rolling on their sketchbooks tho that's no fault of their own. I've been doing sketchbooks with my kids for years now ... and had a pretty fool proof way that worked for me and the kids. But there was always one thing kind of bothering me...that I never had a way for them to add informational pages to their sketchbooks. You know, like an Elements of Art reference sheet or, what I'm really excited about, some Art History Rocks sheets. So this year, instead of using manilla…